
Monday, January 28, 2013

Treat Yourself

When I shop on Amazon and see something I may potentially buy, I add it to my "Wish list."  However,  just because it's on my wish list does not mean it is something I'm wishing for.  It just means I didn't want to forget what product I was considering.

The dining room in our new home has carpet.  A word to the wise: Carpet in a dining room is a BAD IDEA!!

We've been in the market for some sort of splash mat to put under Porter's chair because babies, food, and carpet do not mix.  We eventually decided to get an office mat to put under his chair.  Apparently I need to clean out my wish list because Amazon is sending me tempting emails to treat myself to splash mats.

It's just what I always wanted!

Friday, January 25, 2013


When Nate was an undergrad at the U he had a Hungarian professor.  Nate worked closely with this professor on a research project and so he got to know him well.  This professor would often say to Nate, "I would like to point out..." and then he'd finish the sentence with an observation, usually very blunt and often about Nate's grades.

Nate would come home and tell stories about this professor and he'd quote the things he pointed out in a heavy Hungarian accent.  And so a tradition was born in our family.  "I would like to point out...!"

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Awkward Stage

I'm still waiting for my awkward stage to end.

Last night I went up to church to play human foosball with the teenagers.  I managed to get beamed in the head with the ball.  I also scored the winning goal.

For the opposite team.