
Thursday, August 30, 2012

What do you see?

I drive past this billboard several times a week:

Here's what I see when I glance at the billboard:

Probably not what Zion's Bank had in mind.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Make way for ducklings

I took Porter to the San Diego Zoo recently while Nate was attending a statistical conference.  We enjoyed walking around and looking at all the wildlife.

As I walked around I was also scouting out good places to nurse.  Porter would need his "afternoon tea" and I was trying to find a discreet location where I could nurse without drawing attention to myself.

After looking for the entire first part of our visit I quickly realized two things:

         1.  I was not in Utah anymore
         2.  Zoo benches are not provided for nursing

I haven't been to the Hogle Zoo since Porter was born so I can't say that I see people nursing all the time there but I can say that I see people nursing all the time in Utah.  In fact, over Memorial Day weekend we went to the City Creek Center (a new mall) and I saw a woman nursing her baby as she stood in the center of the walkway talking to some friends.

The second thing I realized was that benches are placed along pathways so people can rest, not nurse. If they were for nursing they'd be off the path a little in a corner or a wooded area.  Bummer for me.

I finally found a place that was as secluded as it would get - it was in an outdoor patio areas of one of the zoo eateries.  My table backed up to some bushes and was off to the side.  I was so proud of myself!  I sat down, placed my backpack on the table to add an additional level of privacy, put on the nursing shield, and discreetly started nursing Porter.

Right about that time a mother duck decided she too would like seclusion for herself and her ducklings.  And she too liked the little table by the bushes at the edge of the outdoor dining patio.  Before I knew it, a cute little flock of ducklings was waddling around and under my chair, following their mama.

And following them came the hoards of children and parents who were entranced by the sweet little ducklings.  So much for seclusion while nursing!  I suddenly felt like a main attraction (even though it was really the birds not me).  I avoided eye contact with everyone and just sat there as if I was only rocking my baby while he took a nap under a blanket I wore looped around my neck!

As a side note, a few hours later Porter and I walked past the gift shops towards the exit.  And there it was: "Baby Care Station."  The perfect place in the zoo to nurse your baby without becoming an exhibit yourself!