
Monday, December 19, 2011

Midnight writing

My little brother is serving a mission in Uruguay for our church.  Every Monday he gets to check his email.  I'm usually pretty good at remembering to send him a message but I forgot last week.  So I really wanted to remember to write him this week.

Last night when I was nursing Porter I remembered I hadn't emailed Tyler yet.  "It's my lucky day!" I thought as I glanced at the clock and saw that it was 1:50 AM.  I could still send him an email and he'd get it!  (Right now there's a 5 hour time difference between us and Uruguay and he checks his email pretty early in the day.)

Later this morning when I read his letter to the family he said a few things that made me think maybe he didn't get my email.  I was positive I sent him a newsy message.  So I checked my "Sent Mail" to make sure I sent the letter to the correct address.

I did send the email to the right place.  But here is the text of my email, copied verbatim (and I want you to know it was typed with one hand, so please forgive the typos):

"Dear Ty,

Merry Christmas!  We're all so excited to talk to you this next week!  

We're doing well.  The semester anf finals ended for Nate last Thursday.  He is enjoying time ff until January.  He quit his Dominos drive but so far they haven't noticed a big uptick in left since he died.
Christmas really snuck up on me this year!  I guess having a baby will do that to you.

love , Katie"


  1. That made me laugh out loud... loudly! That is so hilarious!! I guess having a baby will do more than let Christmas sneak up on you, huh!

  2. That is really funny! I hope Nate will be able to attend our Christams festivities...with him dying and all.

  3. This is hilarious! I laughed out loud as I was reading it at four in the morning with Noah. I should check my email to Tyler. I thought it was one of the longest I had ever sent him.
