
Friday, December 9, 2011


When we were preparing to leave the hospital I wanted to make sure Porter would be warm.  So I bundled him up in a warm sleeper and two blankets before we took him out to the car:

Of course I hadn't been outside for 2 days and I didn't know it was unseasonably warm for being the day before Thanksgiving.  I was shedding layers of coats and jackets as I got into the car.  I think Porter was warm enough!

We stopped on our way home to get Nate some lunch.  I'd been riding in the back seat with Porter (after being made fun of by the nurse - "You'll have plenty of time to look at him," she said when she helped me into the backseat) but after our stop I decided to ride shotgun where there is more leg room. 

On our hour-long drive home, I started to worry because I hadn't heard anything from the back seat.  Was my baby still alive??  I tried craning my neck to see, but to no avail.  Then I remembered, "Hey!  I have a cell phone!  And it has a camera!" So, being ever resourceful, I decided to snap a picture of him to make sure he could breathe. 

I took the picture and then looked at it.  I was slightly shocked at what I saw:

This isn't exactly what you want to see when you're headed home for the first time with your baby.  

We hadn't taken him out of his car seat when we were getting Nate lunch so I knew he still had to be in there.  After all, I had pictures that proved we'd put him in the seat in the first place (see above).

So I was rather panicked for the rest of the ride home.  We stopped at Walgreens to fill a prescription and I jumped into the back seat where I saw my poor baby with his head flopped down onto his body.  It is amazing how little babies can bend!

I straightened his neck out and then proceeded to watch him.  Nate came back to the car (he'd run the prescription in to get it filled) and he said we had 15 minutes before it would be ready.  So he also climbed into the back seat on the other side of Porter and we stared at Porter for the next 15 minutes.

First-time parents?  Yep.

When the prescription was ready Nate ran back in to get it.  Then we drove the rest of the way home.  

I sat in the back with Porter.  No more head-flopping on my watch!


  1. Haha...this has happened with every one of mine on the way home from the hospital. I'm always worried about it and wonder if it's just the way my carseat is. I always either ride in back with the baby the first week or two to hold their head in place or twist my arm back into the baby's seat to hold their head up for them (nope, not comfortable). I've also been known to bother my sleeping babies to check that they are breathing. You'd think I'd be over it now that this is the third time, but no. And I'm proud to report that Mike and I still spend fifteen minute intervals just staring at baby Emily--only now there is sometimes toddler background noise. Babies are just so special. And it goes way too fast. You are doing it just right. :)

    His hair really is adorable. I love that you can actually suds it up.

  2. You're such a cute mama! I love the camera story... necessity is the mother of invention!

  3. Don't feel silly about riding in the back seat. When I took Joshua home, we were required to have parent ride back there.

    He is a really cute baby.

  4. Cute! I like the cell phone picture. Would have made me panic!
