
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dueling Sunbeams

Last Sunday was our ward's primary program.  The chapel was filled with parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, long-lost friends of the family, second cousins thrice removed, etc. all there to listen to the children sing and share what they've learned in church this year.

The program began normal enough.  The stand was filled with children - over 80 kids.  In fact, they didn't all fit up on the stand; there were three rows of kids sitting down in the congregation as well.  The younger children were, of course, squirming, not used to having to sit still for so long. 

The children sang the first two or three songs without incident. 

Then two of the sunbeams got bored.

Sunbeams, for those who don't know, are 3 turning 4 years old.  They are the youngest class that participates in the primary program.  This year, the sunbeams are the little children I taught in nursery last year, so it was fun to watch them participate in their first primary program.

The two children in question were standing next to each other.  At some point they declared battle; each decided to try to out-sing the other.

They didn't quite succeed in outsinging each other. However, they did manage to outsing the other 80+ kids participating in the program. 

Impressivley, they knew every single word to the songs they were singing.  Unfortunately, they didn't know every single note.  They were terribly out of tune.  Eventually they were shouting, "I LOVE TO SEE THE TEMPLE!  I"M GOING THERE SOMEDAY! TO FEEL THE HOLY SPIRIT!  TO LISTEN AND PRAY!"  Lets just say, that's not quite the normal rendition of that usually reverent song! 

The congregation loved it. I've never seen so much laughter during a primary program before.

At one point another one of the sunbeams covered her ears with her hands, turned to the duelers and said loudly, "SHHH!!!  Be quiet!"  This increased the chuckles in the audience.

The fun came to an end when the pianist (and mom of one of the duelers) got up and moved her daughter away from the competition, putting another sunbeam between the two.  Although they both continued to sing loudly, it just wasn't the same.  I think everyone was slightly disappointed.  Except maybe the mom.  This is probably one program she'll never forget!


  1. Ha! Thats great! When I was in primary, we had the sunbeams go join their parents after the first couple of songs. Look what fun we missed! Can't wait to see your little one, hang in there!

  2. Hilarious. I should visit your ward sometime. What a big primary! Ours only has about 15 kids.

  3. oh my word, that sounds fantastic. I think all our sunbeams were distributed between the older kids, which makes a lot more sense having read your story. Thanks for the chuckle! Hope your next week is awesome!
