
Friday, November 4, 2011

If a picture says a thousand words...

...then I'm curious what my pictures say about me.

I love having an iPhone.  One of the reasons is because of the built-in camera.  No matter where I am I can take pictures of people and places.

Apparently I also like taking pictures of random things that make me laugh.  Most of the time I take those pictures I think, "This will make a great blog topic."  How many of those pictures have actually made it to my blog before now?  One.  It was the snake.

My little sister was flipping through my pictures one day and she kept looking at me as if I'd gone crazy.

Perhaps it's because I seem to like bugs...

I took a picture of this bug so
I could look up what type of bug
 it was.  Did I? No.
This was just a really cool cricket.

I liked the dragon fly's big blue eyes.
Too bad he was dead.

Or maybe it's because I take pictures of random toilets.  Like the double toilet I found in a local Arby's.  I was glad there was a deadbolt on the bathroom door.  I didn't feel like company.

Then there are pictures I take of signs that make me wonder about what led to the sign being necessary in the first place. 

Check out the note underneath the dog.
I'm glad they clarified to size of the dog.  I was worried.
Maybe she was impressed by the picture I took to prove how amazing my ability is to endure cold temperatures.  This picture was taken on Halloween.

Yes, it says -76 degrees F.

Or she may think I'm crazy because I take pictures of random hand-made bumper stickers:

Who is John Gault?
I still need to finish the book to find out.

Whatever the reason she looked at me like I was crazy, she's probably right.  But I enjoy having the random pictures to give me a laugh from time to time.  I hope you enjoyed them.  If not, you can look at me like I'm crazy the next time you see me.