
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Trying to be domestic

A few weeks ago I decided it would be a good idea to make homemade bread for our sandwiches instead of using store-bought bread.  My sister Rachel gave me a recipe quite a while ago that she said makes the best sandwich bread ever.  I actually made the recipe about a year ago and it turned out well.  This year...well...

Here is try #1:

As my brother-in-law so kindly said, "It looks like a brick!"

Try #2, using the SAF yeast called for in the recipe:

Surprisingly both loaves have tasted yummy.

I'm going to see if third time is the charm.  I have one more idea up my sleeve to try to get a loaf that actually rises.  If that doesn't work, I guess I'll be back to store-bought bread.


  1. that's awesome Katie! practice makes perfect ;)

  2. Hmm...are you using your bread machine? What settings? White or wheat? Although I have had success on both settings. It always rises...sometimes too much!
