
Monday, January 28, 2013

Treat Yourself

When I shop on Amazon and see something I may potentially buy, I add it to my "Wish list."  However,  just because it's on my wish list does not mean it is something I'm wishing for.  It just means I didn't want to forget what product I was considering.

The dining room in our new home has carpet.  A word to the wise: Carpet in a dining room is a BAD IDEA!!

We've been in the market for some sort of splash mat to put under Porter's chair because babies, food, and carpet do not mix.  We eventually decided to get an office mat to put under his chair.  Apparently I need to clean out my wish list because Amazon is sending me tempting emails to treat myself to splash mats.

It's just what I always wanted!

Friday, January 25, 2013


When Nate was an undergrad at the U he had a Hungarian professor.  Nate worked closely with this professor on a research project and so he got to know him well.  This professor would often say to Nate, "I would like to point out..." and then he'd finish the sentence with an observation, usually very blunt and often about Nate's grades.

Nate would come home and tell stories about this professor and he'd quote the things he pointed out in a heavy Hungarian accent.  And so a tradition was born in our family.  "I would like to point out...!"

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Awkward Stage

I'm still waiting for my awkward stage to end.

Last night I went up to church to play human foosball with the teenagers.  I managed to get beamed in the head with the ball.  I also scored the winning goal.

For the opposite team.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cold December Night

We've had a few cold December nights already!

Here is the family music video.  I hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Feed me

My stomach is directly connected to my mood.  Empty stomach = bad mood.

When I worked at EY my coworkers knew that if they wanted me to remain pleasant through the late nights of tax season I needed to eat dinner before 6 pm.

Right before we got engaged Nate asked my coworkers (who helped him with the proposal) to, "Please make sure Katie eats dinner."  I guess he worried that empty stomach = no wedding.

So one of the perks to being pregnant and then nursing was that I did not need to feel guilty in the slightest for eating on Fast Sunday.

Today I informed Nate that I need to start fasting again, now that I can no longer use nursing as an excuse.  His response: "Oh my."

Friday, November 16, 2012

Life according to my iPhone

I use my iPhone camera on a daily basis.  My primary subject, of course, is Porter.  However, I also take pictures of things I'd like to remember (like the library hours), things that are pretty (like flowers), and things that amuse me.  And those things, my friend, are what I will share with you now.  (See the first iPhone photo post here.)

 I have a continued obsession with bugs:
Looks like a mild winter!

This bug welcomed us home one day.

I love to photograph trees: 


and more trees:

This is just a sample of the tree pictures I have on my phone.
Perhaps my obsession is related to living in the desert for 11 years.

Porter and I walked past this house the other day and wondered how the people in apartment 2 get to that door.

Signs were a major subject of my iPhone photos this go-round.

I had to capture the dire warning at our local gun range:

The men at the office told us to feel free to walk around and explore.
We respectfully declined.
 With the recent election there was a plethora of political signs.  This one was the best:
Of course we ate lunch here.  
 We happened upon a "Tot Spot" playground that I thought would be fun for Porter to play at in the future.  Then I reconsidered.

 I'm debating buying a house on this street someday:

Every time I see this picture I can hear Miracle Max's wife:

I'm relieved to know we'll be safe in the event of a nuclear explosion:

I love this exit sign because they guy looks like he's running for his life.
Perhaps he's running to the fall out shelter just down the street.

And finally, I took photographic evidence of Halloween decor.  I don't remember so many Halloween decorations anywhere else I've lived before. (There are even Halloween parades here in PA.  Jealous??)  Most of the decorations are cute and child-friendly.  These two examples of holiday decor, though, I'm almost certain were made by adolescent boys.  Oh the things I have to look forward to!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Correction and Clarification

I have been sorely remiss in blogging the past month.  In addition, I realize I must make a correction and a clarification to my last blog post.

Correction:  In my last post I wrote that we were moving to Maryland.  This is not entirely untrue, as Nate is working in Maryland.  However, we are living in a quaint little Pennsylvania town.  So far we love it here!

Clarification: I had several people congratulate me on my pregnancy.  I am NOT expecting a baby any time soon to my knowledge.  I believe this confusion arose because I did post during the summer of 2011 that we were moving and painting a room blue.  This was to announce Porter's impending arrival.  I do appreciate the congratulations, though!

Now you can expect a series of posts I've been composing in my head during the past month.  Coming soon to a blog near you.  I hope.