
Thursday, September 13, 2012


Growing up I moved a lot.








Four years after my family moved to Utah my dad retired from the Air Force and my parents stayed in place.  I, however, went away to college two years after we moved to Utah.  While I stayed at the same school, I moved to a new apartment every single year.  After I graduated I moved back home for a year.  Following that year, Nate and I married.  In our three years of marriage we've lived in three different apartments.

Suffice it to say, I move a lot.

So, without further ado, I will announce that I am adding one more state to my list.



  1. Yay!! When are you moving? And where in MD? We will definitely have to meet up once you guys are out here. We will have to chat soon. :-)

  2. Poo! Although this is probably exciting news for you but how in the heck are we supposed to reunionize with you in Maryland? Anyways, I need more details, I'll have to call you. This post is too short!

  3. I'm so excited for you guys! I know it will be tough getting all situated and being away from family, but what an awesome time to really bond with your little family! We'll have to come visit for sure!

  4. Oh my gosh! Wahh! That's one of the only places that I would agree to move away from my family. And Micah is dead set on federal government, so if we follow you then we can live by each other! (though far in the future for us...)

  5. No way! I can't believe it!!! Congratulations on finding somewhere! We'll have to keep in touch.

  6. Noah walked in when I was reading this post and was so excited to see the picture of Porter. He sat on my lap and stared at it for a while. We will miss y'all so much!

  7. Ok Ok, so could you add some DETAILS?????? This is great news because it probably means that Nate got a job, but it is SO far away!!! Sad for us. I am sure you guys will have an awesome time, though. The DC area is the best. I have been there 3 times, and I love it!

  8. So excited for you! I need to call so we can chat once you start to get settled. What a fun adventure! :)
