
Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl and Cutting Corners

This was the first year of my life that I've ever watched the Super Bowl.  (You may recall from my last post that I've already lived a long life, so this may go down in the record books as the longest an American has ever gone before watching the Super Bowl.)  (Of course, between caring for Porter and visiting with the other women I think I only saw two fumbles and half of a Budweiser commercial.)

Anyway, we got together with some of Nate's friends from school to watch the game.  Nate and I were assigned to provide desserts.  I bought candy and made cookies and cupcakes.  The cupcakes were my masterpiece.  I'm so proud of them and grateful we have cameras so edible creations can be recorded for posterity before they get gobbled.  Because I know Porter's children will want to see pictures of the food I consumed.

I received the inspiration for these cupcakes here.  I say inspiration because I am lazy.  I went for a similar outward appearance but I took shortcuts to get there.

She made her cupcakes from scratch.

I made mine with help from the dough boy.

She made her icing from scratch.

I used the stuff from a can.

But hey, they look similar, don't they??  And I received complements on how good they tasted.  I've never received complements on the taste of any cakes I've made from scratch.

So the moral of this story is: it is possible to watch the Super Bowl without actually watching it and...cutting corners works and yields compliments!


  1. You are so funny!! I figure if you can use a mix and have it taste the same then why bother!?

  2. Hey! I think your carrot cake is divine. And I think your football cupcakes look even better than the source you found them on.
