
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Convincing commercials

When I exercise in the morning I often watch I Love Lucy on the Hallmark channel.  This channel also runs a lot of the "As seen on TV" commercials.  Can I tell you, those commercials can be mighty convincing early in the morning?

First there's the Hair Bean, the last brush you'll ever need.  When your hair gets tangled in the wind after you've ridden in a convertible, this brush will transform your hair from a rat's nest to straightened perfection in moments.  And after you've gone swimming without putting your hair in a pony tail, this brush will detangle the soaking disaster.  For someone like me who gets her brush stuck in her hair rather frequently, this sounds like a lifesaver!  And it can be mine for just $9.99!!

Of course, I don't have a convertible OR a pool.

Then there are Eggies.  These will change your life.  You'll go from dull black and white and frizzy hair to bright colors, cute clothes, and a great hairstyle when you quit hard-boiling your eggs the old-fashioned way and begin using Eggies!  Taking the shells off hard-boiled eggs really is labor-intensive I think to myself every time I see this commercial.  How much better would my life be if I bought this product??  Luckily my dad tested this one out for me and proved the old-fashioned method is the time-saver.

I've also found radio commercials to be equally convincing.  How many times have I been convinced to buy a home, get lasik, have laser-free fat removal, or change my insurance?  Pretty much every time I get in the car!

So there you have it.  I am easily swayed by commercials.  If you ever write one, send it to me and I'll probably be first in line to buy your product.  Or at least to think about buying your product.  Nate thanks his lucky stars every day that I'm not an impulse shopper.  Otherwise our house would be full of "As seen on TV" products.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of my brother Eric. For some reason he would end up watching the info-commercials late at night and would always tell us about the cool things he saw!
