
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Edit, Undo

The other day at work I was flipping through a pile of papers.  There were different sections within the pile, each section paper-clipped together.  As I rifled through the papers, one of the paper clips popped off. The first thought to enter my mind?  "Edit, undo."


I think I spend too much time in front of the computer.

I have this thought from time to time.  If I'm carrying too many groceries in at one time and drop them, "edit, undo."

If I'm making a meal and add to much salt, "edit, undo."

If I'm climbing up on the counter, fall, and rip a hole in my pants, "edit, undo."

This thought comes to my mind subconsciously.  It's not me being funny to myself.  It is my true reaction.  And it always seems to happen when I'm doing something rather careless.  Something I could have prevented if I just paid a little more attention or thought things through before I acted.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could really just click a button and rewind?  Go back BEFORE we made the mistakes and correct them with no one the wiser?  Yes, that would be nice.  I could get used to that.

1 comment:

  1. I do that too! All the time. I only wish it would work...
