So you know how you nickname people? You might have the hotdog guy, the hippie, the bird lady, etc.
When I rode the bus to work a few years ago while doing an internship there was the "Purple Lady." Everything she had was purple. Her bag, her shoes, her shirt, her fingernails, even the tips of her spiky hair. She was the Purple Lady.
I am apparently the stroller lady.
Porter is a happy boy most of the time. Then we have days like today where he is only happy if I am holding him. While standing. While outside. He'll usually compromise on the holding part if he gets to ride in the stroller.
I have a little neighbor who is 4 years old (but he'll turn 5 on his next birthday, he informed me today). He is outside a lot of the time when I come out the door with the stroller. He always says hi to me and his mom and I are friends.
Today when P and I returned from our walk, my little neighbor was delighted to see us. He told me about his new soccer team (there are 8 games and 8 practices and the coach is a grandpa!!), the fact that his cousin is moving (far away to Idaho), his brother's napping habits (he takes one nap a day because he is one year old), and about the ants he killed at his grandma's house (there were a lot of them). It was pretty cute.
He followed me back to our patio to show me his sidewalk chalk. After a few minutes he decided he needed a new color. He reassured me that he'd be right back. I was pretty sure I'd heard his mom calling him so I didn't think he'd actually come back.
After about 5 minutes he didn't return and Porter started to fuss so I took him in to feed him and put him down for a nap.
While I was getting Porter ready for his nap I could hear the neighbor boy calling from his front yard where he was now drawing on the driveway. At first I didn't really know what he was saying. But then I heard it, and I guess he has a nickname for me:
"Hey!! Lady with the stroller!"