
Sunday, October 16, 2011


I'm back!

Where have I been?  Well, I've discovered that summer pulls me away from my computer.  It's the honest truth.  I've fallen behind on my own blog, as well as reading other's blogs.  But now that it's getting dark earlier, I'm back.  At least I'm back for the next six weeks...we'll see after that!

Speaking of which, I've learned that time (aka pregnancy) goes a lot faster for other people than it does for you, when you're the one who's pregnant.  When people ask when I'm due and I say, "November 25," they respond with, "Wow, that's coming up soon!"

I know it's true.  I know it's soon.  It is now less than 6 weeks away.  But for some reason it seems like it won't actually come.  It is just always something off in the distant future.  Some days I'm cool with that - we've got a good system going, my little boy and me.  He goes everywhere with me and as long as he moves frequently I'm a happy camper.  I don't have to worry about diapers or feedings or anything.

Some days I can't wait for him to get here.  Especially on the days when I feel like he might just burst through - I don't know if there will be room enough for both of us in the coming weeks!

But enough rambling, and back to the topic of this post:  Names.

Choosing a name for your baby is a BIG responsibility.  You will be determining what this child will be known by to the world for the rest of his life.

I've had my favorite names picked out for years.  You can look at my journals from back when I was 12 years old and a lot of the names are the same ones I still like.  Names like Benjamin. William, and Joshua.

Then I met Nate.

Let's just say, we have different taste in names.

When we were dating he told me that he felt very strongly that he would name his first son Toivo.  That is a Finnish name meaning "hope."

Before we were married I gently (well, maybe not so gently) informed him that Toivo is a Finnish name and we are American.  So if the name was a deal breaker, he needed to know that I would be hard-pressed to name my son Toivo.  He accepted that, though I think he secretly hoped he'd wear me down in time.

When we found out we were going to have a baby we started making lists of names we each liked.  I kid you not, these names were on Nate's list:

Toivo, Oscar, Waldo, Jeddidiah, Ishmael, Usko (another Finnish name),

Earlier this week I received a link with an email to this quiz, which is supposed to tell you your baby naming style.

I was skeptical but took the quiz.  My results hit the nail on the head: Classic.

This morning I made Nate take the quiz.  Poor guy, he had some trouble with it at first because the questions are definitely geared towards women (he wasn't a fan of any of the movies or TV shows, he isn't thinking about "the kind of mama you want to be when the baby comes," etc.)  But out of the goodness of his heart he humored me and worked through the quiz.

His result: Unique.

I couldn't have said it better.